word type: acronym

  1. Tournament Leader Board.

What it Is

A ranking system on PokerStars that counts a player's highest finishes in poker tournaments. Tournament results are assigned a point value and total scores are determined based on those points:

The weekly TLB tracks a player's 10 best finishes. The weekly TLB winner plays a PokerStars Pro heads-up in a $1k freeroll.

The monthly TLB counts a player's 20 highest point scores. The winner receives $5,000 in cash.

The yearly TLB includes players' 100 highest scores and awards the winner a package of tournament buyins that is worth approximately $70K.

Who Wins the TLB?

Shaun Deeb, usually. He has won the 2007 and 2008 yearly TLB and intends to do the same in 2009.